Family: Juncaceae
Name: Juncus greenei
Bloom Time: July - August
Flower: Dark Green
Soil Condition: Moist to dry, wet
Light: Sun-partial sun
Height: 8-28" tall by 24-36" wide
Native Range: Northeastern North America including Long Island
Zone: 3-7

Greene's Rush is easy to grow in dry to wet sandy soils. The foliage is semi-evergreen and adds a delicate texture to the garden. It is also deer and other herbivore-resistant. It will re-seed itself in the garden.
Maintenance: If necessary, cut back during winter.
Benefits: Its adaptation to various soil conditions makes it a great choice for rain gardens, filters water, provides habitat and shelter for ground nesters, and erosion control.
Companion Plants: Asclepias incarnata (Swamp milkweed), Lobelia Cardinalis (Cardinal Flower), and Iris Versicolor (Blue Flag)
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