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Native Plant Pickup Yard™ (NPPY)

Actualizado: 18 nov 2022

Address: 104 Main Avenue, Lake Grove, NY 11755. It's a red house in a residential area, and the NPPY is on the north side of the house through the arbor.

Parking: If there is room in the driveway, please park there or you may park on the front 'lawn'. Please do not block the neighbor's driveways or mailboxes.

Autumn Hours: Friday-Saturday 10am-4pm, Sunday 11am-3pm

Don't forget to check out the clearance section when you visit.

Key: Orange Print is native to Long Island, ( ) inventory on hand

This is what is now available for pickup at the above sale prices, except where noted.


Amelanchier canadensis - Serviceberry (1)

White flowers in April-May followed by edible berries in June. Grows 25-30' in average to moist well-drained soil in full sun to partial shade. Lovely orange-red fall color. Tolerates clay soil. Great for birds. Eastern North American native.

2 Gallon @ $20.00

Cornus amomum - Silky Dogwood (2)

White flowers in May-June followed by blue berries, 6-12', sun-shade, moist-wet soil, deer resistant, black walnut tolerant, birds and small mammals eat the fruit, host plant to Spring Azure and Summer Azure, native to Eastern North America

1 Gallon @ $7.00

Quercus ilicifolia - Bear or Scrub Oak (2)

Yellow-green or reddish flowers in May, 12-20' tall, sun, dry soil, nice fall color, great for wildlife and a smaller yard, native to the northeastern United States

1 Gallon @ $7.00 these are very young, dormant

Salix nigra - Black Willow (1)

Fragrant green catkins in May, 10-60' tall, sun-shade, moist-wet soil, clay soil tolerant, do not let the soil dry out, fast-growing, nice fall color, great for pollinators, host plant to Mourning Cloak, Viceroy, Red-spotted Purple and Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, native to North America

2 Gallon @ $20.00

Sambucus canadensis - Black Elderberry (1)

Large lacy white flowers in May-July followed by shiny black fruit in August (must be cooked for human consumption), 6-10' tall, sun-partial shade, moist-acidic-adaptable soil, tolerates full sun if the soil is kept moist, great in a planter, nectar source, host plant to Summer Azure and several moth species, native to North and Central United States

2 Gallon @ $20.00 dormant


Andropogon gerardii - Big Bluestem (8)

silver seed heads, 4'-6', S, dry-average, fall color, deer, black walnut, host plant to Delaware Skipper and Dusted Skipper, Central to Eastern North America

1 Quart @ $5.00

Carex bicknellii - Bicknell's Sedge (11)

Apr-Jul 'bloom', 24-36", sun-shade, dry-average-moist soil, drought tolerant, a great choice for rain gardens, deer resistant, tolerates light foot traffic, nativebnnnH to Eastern North America

4" Pot @ $5.00

Carex plantaginea - Seersucker Sedge (45)

subtle 'flowers' May, evergreen wide leaves with seersucker look, 8-12", PS-Sh, average-moist, deer, ground cover, tolerates drought, host plant to several woodland butterflies, Mid to Eastern North America

Deep Landscape Plug: $3.00

Carex stricta - Tussock Sedge (11)

June 'bloom', 36" tall, sun-partial shade, medium-wet soil, evergreen, deer resistant, erosion control, aggressively spreads, great cut and dried 'flower', great in a planter, attracts birds and butterflies, native to the Central United States

1 Quart @ $5.00

Deschampsia cespitosa - Tufted Hair Grass (3)

long-lasting, 'cloud-like' panicles Jul, 24-36", PS-S, consistently moist-average-rich, semi-evergreen, moderate salt, great fresh cut, and dried flower, self-sows, black walnut, deer, rabbit, birds eat seeds, erosion, North America

1 Gallon @ $7.00

Juncus tenuis - Path Rush (11)

'blooms' in June-July, 6-24" tall, sun-shade, dry-wet soil, clay tolerant, bog tolerant, tolerates compact soil, semi-evergreen, great ground cover for paths as it tolerates heavy foot traffic, great lawn substitute, deer and rabbit resistant, native North America

1 Quart @ $5.00

Panicum virgatum - Switch Grass (4)

Blue-green foliage, 3-6' tall, 'blooms' in July, sun, black walnut tolerant, dry-moist-adaptable, great in a planter, yellow fall color, wind pollinated, host plant to several Skippers and Common Wood-Nymph, native to North America

2 Gallon @ $15.00 dormant with late fall/winter foliage

Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal' - Switch Grass (1)

Pink 'blooms' in August-September, metallic blue foliage with great fall color, 4-5' tall, sun, salt tolerant, black walnut tolerant, deer resistant, great fresh cut or dried flower, a cultivar of our North American native

2 Gallon @ $15.00


Asclepias incarnata - Swamp Milkweed (2)

Pink flowers in July-August, 36-48", average-moist-wet soil, huge value to wildlife, deer resistant, nectar source, host plant to Monarchs, native to the Northeast United States

1 Gallon @ $7.00 dormant

Eutrochium dubium - Coastal Joe Pye Weed (5)

Large, fragrant, bright mauve-pink flowers in August-October, 24-60" tall, sun-partial shade, moist-wet-well drained soil, clay soil tolerant, tolerates a little bit of drought, deer resistant, seed clusters feed birds and provide nesting material, nectar source, pollinators, native to the Eastern United States

1 Gallon @ $7.00 dormant

Eutrochium fistulosum - Hollow Joe Pye Weed (7)

Pinkish lavender flowers August-September, 5-8' tall, moist-average-well drained, good cut and dried flower, deer resistant, pollinators, butterfly magnet, birds eat the seeds, host plant to Clymene Moth, Eastern North America

1 Quart @ $7.00 dormant

Eurybia divaricata - White Wood Aster (5)

White flowers in September - October, 24-36" tall, moist-adaptable soil, partial shade-shade, native to the eastern United States

1 Gallon @ $7.00

Hibiscus moscheutos - Swamp Marshmallow (1)

Giant white, light pink or dark pink flowers July-September, 3-7' tall, sun-partial sun, moist-wet soil, does not tolerate drought, pollinators, hummingbirds, native to Southern and Eastern North America

2 Gallon @ $15.00 dormant

Lobelia cardinalis - Cardinal Flower (22)

Red flowers in July-September, 24-48", moist-wet soil, partial shade-shade, great naturalizer as it will self sow readily, black walnut tolerant, deer resistant, pollinators, native to Eastern North America

1 Quart @ $5.00

Lobelia siphilitica - Great Blue Lobelia (15)

Blue flowers in July-September, 24-48", moist-wet soil, partial shade-shade, great naturalizer as it will self sow readily, black walnut tolerant, deer resistant, pollinators, native to Eastern North America

1 Quart @ $5.00

Opuntia humifusa - Prickly Pear (5) grown from seed right here on Long Island

1 Quart @ $5.00

Pycnanthemum incanum - Hairy Mountain Mint (33)

White flowers with purple spots July-October, 24-60"tall, moist-dry soil, sun-partial shade, great for erosion control, pollinators, host plant to the wavy-lined emerald, native to the eastern United States

1 Gallon @ $7.00

Pycnanthemum pilosum - Hairy Mountain Mint (21)

white with lavender spots flowers Jul-Sep, 12-36", S-PS, fragrant foliage, dry-medium-well drained, drought, nectar source, pollinators, native to the Eastern and Central United States

1 Gallon @ $7.00

Pycnanthemum virginianum - Common Mountain Mint (17)

white with lavender spots flowers Jul-Sep, 24-36", S-PS, fragrant foliage, moist-average-adaptable, great in a container, culinary herb for cocktails, teas, and other recipes calling for mint, Eastern United States

2" Plug @ $2.00

Ratibida pinnata - Gray-headed Coneflower (6)

Yellow flowers in June-August, 36-60" tall, sun-partial shade, moist-dry soil, clay soil tolerant, best in groups of 3 or more, salt-tolerant, pollinators, birds eat seeds, native to Central North America

1 Gallon @ $7.00

Sanguisorba canadensis - American Burnet (1)

White bottlebrush-shaped flowers in August-September, 48-60" tall, sun-partial shade, moist-wet soil, pollinators, interesting foliage, lovely fall color, native to Eastern North America

1.5 Gallon @ $7.00

Solidago bicolor - Silverrod (14)

white flowers Jul-Oct, 24-36", S-PS, dry-moist, drought, deer, rabbit, great fresh cut and dried flower, pollinators, nectar source, Eastern North America

Deep Plugs: $3.00 each

Symphyotrichum cordifolium - Blue Wood Aster (8)

pale lavender flowers Aug-Oct, 24-36", moist-adaptable, S-PS, pollinators, great in a planter, host plant to Silvery Checkerspot, Pearl Crescent, and several species of moths, Northeast

1 Gallon @ $7.00

Symphyotrichum laterifolius 'Lady in Black' - Calico Aster Cultivar (3 and 15)

white flowers with dark pink centers and purplish-black foliage, Aug-Oct, S-PS, 24-36", moist-dry, nectar plant, great cut flower, great in a planter, host plant to Pearl Crescent, a cultivar of our North American native

1 Quart @ $5.00 or Small Plugs @ $2.00 each

Symphyotrichum novae-angliae - New England Aster (6)

purple, pink or white flowers Sep-Oct, 36-72", S-PS, moist adaptable, nectar plant, pollinators, deer, may be aggressive, great in a planter, host plant to Pearl Crescent and Checkerspot, Eastern North America

1 Gallon @ $7.00

Symphyotrichum novi-belgii - New York Aster (6)

lavender blue flowers Aug-Sep, 24-48", S-PS, average-moist well-drained, deer, rabbit, black walnut, great cut flower, great in a planter, host plant to Pearl Crescent, Eastern North America

1 Gallon @ $7.00

Viola sororia - Common Violet (8)

Purple flowers March-May, 6-10" tall, sun-partial shade, moist-average-well drained-rich soil, clay soil tolerant, black walnut tolerant, flowers can be used in candies and jellies, great small scale ground cover, self sows readily, deer resistant, host plant to Variegated Fritillary, Great Spangled Fritillary and several other Fritillary butterflies and the native mining bee (specialist pollinator for Violets only), native to Eastern North America

1 Quart @ $5.00 going dormant


Onoclea sensibilis - Sensitive Fern (1)

Light green fronds, 12-36" tall, partial shade-full shade, moist-wet-rich soil, does not tolerate drought, spreads to form a colony, shelter for toads and salamanders, native to Eastern North America

1 Gallon @ $7.00 dormant

Fall Surplus Sale. This is the best time to plant!!!!! I can't say that enough.

The number in the parenthesis is the quantity available.

These need to be picked up in Cutchogue.

Place your order now for pickup next week!

1 Gallon Ferns now $15.00 each:

Adiantum pedatum - Maidenhair Fern (11) beginning to go dormant

1 Gallon Grasses and Sedges now $15.00 each:

Carex appalachica - Appalachian Sedge (20)

Chasmanthium laxum - Slender Oats (9) native LI and endangered in NY and PA

1 Gallon Perennials and Shrubs now $15.00 each:

Agastache foeniculum - Anise Hyssop (26) dormant

Anemone canadensis - Anemone (43) great ground cover for shade

Asclepias verticillata - Whorled Milkweed (20) host plant for Monarch caterpillars - dormant

Aster ericoides 'Snow Flurry' - Heath Aster (24) these have cut back

Aster laterifolium 'Lady In Black' - Calico Aster (30) pollinator plant

Aster oblongifolius 'Raydon's Favorite' - Aromatic Aster (20) very late season pollinator plant

Hypericum prolificum - Shrubby St. John's Wort (45) lowest price ever!

Monarda bradburiana - Eastern Bee Balm (8) earliest blooming bee balm, mildew resistant

Pycnanthemum muticum - Blunt Mountain Mint (15) must have pollinator plant

Pycnanthemum pilosum - Hairy Mountain Mint (25) must have pollinator plant

Ratibida pinnata - Gray-headed Coneflower (11) these have cut back

Solidago flexicaulis - Zig Zag Goldenrod (32) must have pollinator plant - great for sun-shade

Verbena hastata - Blue Vervain (20)

1 Quart Perennials now $9.00 each:

Eutrochium fistulosum - Joe Pye Weed (16)

Juncus tenuis - Path Rush (44)

Packera aurea - Golden Ragwort (13)

Viola sororia - Common Violet (22)

2 Gallon Vines and Shrubs:

Clematis virginiana - Virgin's Bower $35.00 (20) going dormant

Clethra alnifolia - Sweet Pepperbush $27.50 (40)

Lonicera sempervirens 'Major Wheeler' - Native Honeysuckle $35.00 (20)

Physocarpus opulifolius 'Little Devil' - Dwarf Purple Ninebark (20)

Rosa carolina - Pasture Rose $25.00 (20)

1 Gallon Groundcover now $20.00 each:

Arctostaphyllos uva-ursi 'Massachusetts' - Bearberry (30)

Looking for something else, ask me and I will most likely find it for you. Need responsible ornamentals, I can get them for you.

Any questions, please feel free to email me at

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